With the moon beaming its mystical charm, may your special night bring only warmth. Wishing you a wonderful Chand Raat!
As the moon shines its radiant light tonight, may your heart swell with delight and brightness shine through. Happy Chand Raat!
The moon glows bright with promise of joy, as another year of blessings is set to deploy. Wishing you a happy Chand Raat, filled with cheer!
With the moon showering its enchanting rays, spreading delight in million ways. Wishing you a very cheerful Chand Raat.
On this night of mystical lunar beams, may your heart be blessed with sweetest of dreams. Happy and joyous Chand Raat to you!
Let the moon magic work wonders for your cheers, blessing your nights and days with smiles and goodwill throughout the years. Happy Chand Raat!
May the charm of moon’s night bless your days with cheer and brighten your path with comfort far and near. Glorious Chand Raat!
As the moon magically glows tonight, sprinkling her charm, joys and delights. Wishing you a marvelous Chand Raat.
Let moon’s splendor work magic all through, spreading peace, prosperity and fond rendezvous. Glorious Chand Raat to you!
ہیران دل بھلائے تارے کی صبح دھوپ سے دل اپنے محبوب کو یاد آئے شام کی چاندنی روشنی میں چاند رات مبارک ہو!