Fool is Fool doesn’t matter. Wishing very happy, prosperous and joyful .. Fool Day to the King of Fools.. 🙂
i m sending this fool msg . . . . . . 2 All Fools . . . . . . who celebrate . . . . . . . ”APRIL FOOL”
The best Day for you In the whole year is 1st April Because that’s the day That suits you best! Happy April fool’s Day
If people says you are crazy, be patiend. if they say you are monkey, relax. if they say you are stupid,be cool but if they say you are smart, Thapad maar sale ko.
Uh oh, autocorrect changed my contact names in my phone to some weird stuff. Any idea how to fix it? 😅
Guys you’ll never guess what, I think I just ordered 12 pizzas by accident! What do I do when they get here?! 🍕
Dude, I think my account got hacked overnight! Weird tweets and likes all over my timeline, help! 😬
He took me from a bar, He took me in his car, He took my top off, He puts his lips on mine, but don”t worry, “I”m a bottle of wine!” April Fools Day!
A mind, like a home, is furnished by its owner, so if ones life is cold and bare he can blame none but himself.
U r one of d CUTEST persons in this world!! just a second, don’t misunderstand me. CUTE means: Creating Useless Troubles Everywhere…….. April Fool…..